On the auspicious occassion of 160th Rabindra Jayanti Vidyalaya pays tribute and humble Pranam to the of the greatest thinker, phoilosopher and poet of the Nation Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore. Due to Covid19 outbreak nation-wide the said programme observation is in virtual mode , where some primary and secondary children sung, recited and danced on song and poems of Kabiguru. Teacher Naren spoke on the importnace of the day.
Sunday, 9 May 2021
On the auspicious occassion of 160th Rabindra Jayanti Vidyalaya pays tribute and humble Pranam to the of the greatest thinker, phoilosopher and poet of the Nation Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore. Due to Covid19 outbreak nation-wide the said programme observation is in virtual mode , where some primary and secondary children sung, recited and danced on song and poems of Kabiguru. Teacher Naren spoke on the importnace of the day.
May 09, 2021