Saturday, 12 February 2022

Learning the Deba-Bhasha: Sanskrit

Six day long Sanskrit Sambhashanam Shibiram that started from 7 February ends on 12 February. The Samapan Satra was held in vidyalayas Yoga-Vidya Sabhagriha, where a total number of 50 teachers were present as participants.

The learning of how to converse in Sanskrit, took place under the guidance of Smt Deepa Singh , who was instrumental & resource person for this Shibir. The complete 17 was conducted in Sanskrit, some of the teachers shared their experience,  sanskrit songs were sung by all. Bharat Mata Pushparpan was also there followed by margdarshan by the chief guest Shri Anant chetia who was the member of Sanskrit Bharati organization.

Vidyalaya Highlights

  • Mandatory Public Discloser
  • Achievements
  • Co-Scholastic Activities
  • ActivityBasedLearning
  • Pancha Prerana
  • Notable Alumni