Monday, 6 June 2022

World Environment Day 2022

Vidyalaya celebrated World Environment Day on 6th June in the school premises in collaboration with Prajapita Brahmakumaris Vishwavidyalaya. Sister Shivani and 3 members from the organization were present and spoken about the inner peace and world peace & environment. Students presented group songs, ppt presentation etc in the programme. Principal Sri Lakhinarayan Goswami sir delivered the welcome speech. 

Plantation in campus, Shramadaan by students for cleaning the surroundings , drawing competition in Balsabha were also observed to mark the day.

Padmashree Jadav Payeng, The Forest Man of the World visited our campus and took part in the 3rd Anniversary of Vivekananda Kendra Swasthya seva Sadan, organised on 5th June. 

A short program was conducted during assembly . Purpose of the day was spoken by respected Principal sir, which was followed by Arpita didi said on importance of the day. It was followed by a group song by students of class VII, a poem recitation by Akansha Aich of class VIII C, a speech by Aditya Prasad of class VII A. The most appealing part of the program was a self composed peom recited by Priyadarshan Goswami of class VI A


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